Thursday, October 26, 2006

Chinese Cave Dwellings

70 million Chinese live in caves.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Steller's Jay

They're the cheeky blue birdies you've seen around, the ones who make raucous screeches, and steal your food.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Marine Conservation

"The world would be a poorer place if we lost the way of life that fishing and the ocean have provided us and our coastal communities. Whether it is in a remote Eskimo or Aleut village in Alaska, the working waterfront of towns like Kodiak or Sitka, or the fishing ports in New England, there is a richness to our history and culture that cannot be replaced."

David Benton, head of the Marine Conservation Alliance, interview with Grist

Friday, October 06, 2006

Another Green Link

It's the Institue for Lifecycle Environmental Assessment! And with a scientific analysis, they recommend plastic over paper bags.

Solar Kismet

Here's an interesting blog, if I become the sort to reads blogs of people I don't know.

Go green, young man

It's the New American Dream, with a few simple steps you can take to turn the tide and help save the planet. Plus, here's a more exhaustive list.

Alaskans sure it's getting warmer

It's an Anchorage Daily News story on a statewide survey about opinions of global warming. A much higher percentage of Alaskans than the natural average believe it's true, most likely because the effects are more obvious. Still, there's a somewhat unique approach to it: "On the bright side, 73 percent think temperatures will be more comfortable, and 60 percent expect tourism to grow because of warmer weather."


Here's a another way to waste time -- If you want to know all the zip codes in Seattle, for instance, or more importantly where there are towns named Tiger, this is your place.

It is also, strangely, full of census data on name frequency. My last name is the 43,063rd most popular last name (surname) in the United States, my first name the 88th most popular female first name. For fun, try and guess the most popular male and female first names. It's much more staid and English than you'd think. Give up? XX & XY.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Wooden Boats

There's nice ones, and less nice ones...

Angel's Landing

I climbed this crazy crazy trail in Zion National Park, in Utah.