Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Monday, April 16, 2007


Steven Pinker says we're getting nicer every day. (pdf)

All the news worth reading

I get my news stories from Tidepool, but my boyfriend prefers Metafilter. That way we can forward each other interesting, but usually not overlapping, items.

Monday, April 09, 2007

And the little girl grew up to be a vegetarian

probably a feminist, too.

рыбка (fish)

If you don't know Russian, it won't be funny

Ослов Осел Ослович

More foreign music clips

Lyapis Trubetskoi, Belarus
Kapital - They are publicising this clip on the net before releasing their album on May 1. Check the comments, 'cause someone wrote out the lyrics in translation to English.
NLO (UFO) - I really like the animation used in this video
Gop Hip-Hop - I am perpetually amused by Eastern European hip hop. See also, Everything is Illuminated.

And some sort of comedy duo from Belarussian TV?
Sasha & Serozha

Kazakhs (singing in Russian)
Bangor - Aysulu - this video reminded me terribly of Boyz II Men - Water Runs Dry. Different lyrical matter, same video!

Then, I'm not really sure what to make of this. Paseka means apiary. As in lots of bees. I wish I could find a full clip of the song.
Liver - Paseka
Edit: Seems it's part of a movie. Some kind of very interesting movie, to be sure. Here's the full song.